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Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Trust is a funny thing. In a way it's blind, and deaf, and dumb! But in another way it is totally fragile and once damaged, soooo hard to repair. Broken trust calls into question your own ability to know another person. All your previously formed opinions of that person are now called into question. Everything they say or do is now suspect.

Sadly, I'm not sure that any broken trust relationship will ever be the same. Healed, yes, but forever scared.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I told you so

Today I'm angry. You know that kind of angry where you just want to say "I told you so" to people who are dealing with negative consequences. This desire is particularly strong with people you had previous conversations about doing something differently to avoid or lessen those consequences. I'm having a really hard time keeping my mouth shut. I want desperately to point out that  since this was the expected outcome to the chosen behavior, that this was actually what that person wanted!  If they wanted a different outcome, then when presented with the opportunity to do things differently and aquire that outcome, they would have chosen to modify their behavior. 

Theres that infamous definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. What is it that makes a person able to see a hypothetical situation rationally and know how they should handle it? Then when the situation, which has been role played, comes to pass, the persons brain ceases to function and they revert to operating on emotion. This is especially puzzling to me when the same situation plays out over and over. I want to scream!  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

And that's the Truth

After a recent discussion, I became interested in how people lie to themselves by refusing to accept the truth. Just as black is black and white is white, truth is truth. It is not relative and just because you refuse to believe it does not change it.
 It's fascinating how you can tell some people that you got six inches of snow and they would simply believe you had told them the truth. There is another group who would want to see proof that there was actually six inches and not  five point five inches. If, by chance, there was five point five inches they would be certain they had been lied to! Then there are the groups of people who think, as long as they personally believe something to be true, for them, that makes it true. 
So, what is the deal here? Do these people lie to themselves on such a consistent basis they don't recognize truth? Have they been mistreated and lied to by others regularly so they are fearful and distrustful? Do they have no confidence in their own abilities so choose to not believe anything?

I don't know what the answer is. What I do know, is the Truth sets you Free!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

On the Road

It's time to start. I've had this blog for several years but never actually took the time to figure out how it works. I think a large part of that procrastination is feeling like actually putting my thoughts down and throwing them out there for the world to see, is almost like answering your door naked.  You never know who is going to get a glimpse of the "real" you. And while I think I know exactly who I am, writing it down just opens you up to analysis, both good and bad.

And so this brings me to the burning question of the moment. Why are young adults struggling so much? Struggling to get through school, struggling with career choices, struggling in relationships? Just struggling. Yes, I know this is a generalization and doesn't apply to all young adults.  I just want to understand and, in doing so, attempt to bring focus to the ones in my orbit.  Is this a result of the change of position of the women in our society? Is this an effect of parents caring for these young adults as if they were children? Is it tied to an educational system where everybody is a winner? Or is it just human nature to float along aimlessly?